A Bit of Naturalist Art

pen_flowerFeatured Image Pen FlowersThese are from middle school, around 1997 or so.  I think this might have been the first time I had ever drawn flowers (or much of anything, for that matter) with an ink pen instead of a pencil or crayon.  We would put our drawings onto black construction paper and hang them in the school’s hallways – you can see the tape all over these.  What’s nice is that we did a flower study during my Arkansas Master Naturalist training in 2014, and it reminded me of this day in middle school art class when we were given flowers to draw.  Great memories!

Eventually, I will find the sketch I did of a lily during that master naturalist training class on flowers, and post it here.  It’s currently in storage as we build our earthbag cottage for conservation stewardship of the land and all it’s joyful flowers.

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