Christmas ColorMe Cards
“Holey Builds a Snowman” was one of my most favorite cards to design.
That’s because unlike the other cards, this one began with a real live animal: Holey, the deer mouse or white-footed mouse (we never could get a positive ID on a mouse because that takes special testing to verify which species they are). Named after the hole in their right ear, Holey had a shimmering brown coat with huge coal-black eyes and a propensity for sneaking into the farmhouse kitchen. Using a Have-a-Heart humane trap, we relased Holey into the wild miles from the house (outside a mouse’s typical wandering range) during fall when there was good habitat and food sources in the area. I know it’s not a guarantee in this context, but I hope Holey survived to build a snowman – or snowmouse – this winter.
Another coloring card I did was based on my love for Ryan. At first we called it the “bunny pile” but later switched the name to “Bunny Tree” when the design felt like a Christmas tree made of pudgy bunnies with a star at the top balanced on one bunny’s nose. The ColorMe variety of this design did not sell well because I ran out of ink before the printing deadline and couldn’t buy more in time, so I had to use pencil to finish quickly (never a good idea!) which created a grey appearance to certain lines. The full color version of the card looks much closer to the sentiment I was going for with this design: love and joy (of bunnies)!
These designs are not yet sold in stores in their full color versions, so if you’d like to buy them, order directly from us at