Pygmy Easter Bunny
Perhaps my favorite Easter Bunny is a pygmy one.
Part of the work of Ripples Greeting Cards is to make people smile. The other part is to promote conservation through education, and print on FSC certified paper with business cards produced using wind energy through This new 2016 Easter card seeks to do both: offer a giggle and a tidbit of knowledge about endangered rabbits in the United States. Check out our Making Ripples column on real bunnies across the country.
According to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, “The Columbia Basin pygmy rabbit was listed in 2003 as an endangered species under the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA). A captive breeding program was initiated by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service in 2001 with the intent of eventually reintroducing rabbits to the wild. Results from 2011 through 2014 efforts were encouraging for recovery of the species to the state. Due to this success, in 2015 pygmy rabbits were released into a second recovery area located on the private land of a project supporter and The Nature Conservancy Preserve in the Beezley Hills in Grant County.”
Thus far, in addition to this new card, the conservation card series includes promotion for Eastern Bluebirds through NestWatch, and Monarch Butterflies through Monarch Watch. I’m really looking forward to doing more educational, citizen science-based greeting cards. Perhaps frogs will be next!