The Best of Making Ripples Columns
As we prepare to upload new resources, here’s a look back at some of our favorite columns:
- Composting Toilets: How to Decide Which is Right for You?
- Nest Box Monitoring for Backyard Birds: Get Certified through NestWatch!
- Connect with Nature Online: Websites to Jump-Start Your Eco Knowledge
- Efficient Entertainment: Measuring Electrical Consumption of Movies / Video Games
- Save the Ozarks with Solar: How to Get Started Considering Solar Panels and Local Companies
- Climate Change Consensus, Fact or Belief? A Listing of Science Organizations which Disagree with Consensus Statement (zero of them)
- Reducetarianism: A Moderate Approach to Ethical Eating without Going Vegan
- Natural History in the Natural State: The Story of Everything throughout Time
- The New Local: How “International” Fits into “Local”
- Become a Naturalist-in-Training: Learn about Birds, Rocks, Stars, Animals, Plants, and more!
- Periods for the Planet: Global Access to Education for Girls and Eco-Friendly Menstrual Products for All
- Smart Sustainability: How to Live Sustainably without Suffering and Looking Stupid
- Green Moral Licensing: How One Good Deed Doesn’t Always Beget Another (and How to Avoid Inaction)
- Wildflower Whimsy: the Fairy Tales, Folklore, Myth and Botany Behind Common Flower Names
- The Biting Truth About Chiggers (and How to Avoid Them!)
- Wild Edibles Self-Guided Tour: Where to Find the Berries, Mushrooms and Edible Weeds
- FreeCycle Thieves or Eco Entrepreneurs: Do We Have the Moral Right to Control Another’s Recycling?
- The Psychology of Carpooling: Evaluating the Stigma Attached to Car-Free Americans
- Cisterns 101: Options for Saving Water and Money
- Alternative Transportation Tips for Summer: The Gear, Maps, and Vehicles to Get You to Your Destination
- Spring is Here: A Celebration of Local Babies, from Mammals to Amphibians
Is there a topic we haven’t covered yet that would help you make a difference or create a more justice-driven, sustainable world? Let us know and we’ll research it! Email with your topic suggestion. Scheduled topics include DIY squirrel feeders, green cemeteries, beneficial invasive species, traveling goats that eat your yard enemies, and recipes for the All American Sun Oven! 🙂