Winter Gardening: Green Smoothies!
Enjoying winter greens in a smoothie is a tasty way to keep colds away.

Green smoothies have flexible recipes, you can add any type of milk, vegetable, or fruit that you want!
I love our green smoothies, and this week in The Free Weekly, our favorite recipe is included so you can try them too! (It doesn’t appear online this week, but you can pick up a copy around Fayetteville and find the recipe inside.) If you have a winter garden, green smoothies are a good way to use up any kind of green you might be growing this month, especially if they’re slightly bitter. The fruit juices make greens taste sweeter, and the avocado turns an “applesauce” texture into “ice cream”! We use a high-speed Vitamix blender, though, and green smoothies are less feasible with standard blenders. It was well worth the investment, and we use our Vitamix several times a week. Blending fruits and veggies in this manner supposedly makes the nutrients more accessible to our bodies, since we don’t chew as much as our ancestors did and can’t break down the cell walls as effectively. Good nutrition, and in particular the nutrients that come from dark leafy greens, is an excellent protection against all those colds circulating in your office or school. Stay healthy!