Ozark Natural Foods’ New Worker!

Me!  I’m the newest, super-green (all possible puns fully intended) cashier!

ONF Apple Logo

What’s ONF?

For those who don’t know, Ozark Natural Foods (ONF) is a health/sustainable foods store in Fayetteville, AR.  And, it’s a co-op.  Over 8,500 (with more joining every day) people co-own the store, and everyone, through the board, can influence the direction of the business.  Anyone can walk in, buy a share of the store, and connect with a hugely inspiring movement that is redefining corporations.  Not only does each person get a say, but they also benefit from regular, store-wide, owner-only discounts; a thrice yearly “Owner Appreciation Weekend” which offers 10% off of everything in the store; and a cut of the profits based on how much the owner spends and how much the co-op makes (for example, last year Amanda and I got a check for $170; a full ownership is $140 [split into yearly payments of $20 over 7 years], so combining this refund, the bonus buys, and owner’s weekend discounts, the ownership is crazy worth it).

Sustainable Business – The Happy Maker

I’m ridiculously excited to be a part of this organization.  Sustainable and/or alternative business models have intrigued me for a good long while now; being able to admire and learn from one from the inside out is magnificent.  Also, I honestly cannot express how grateful I am for how thoroughly they take care of their employees.  Has anyone ever heard of a cashier qualifying for health insurance, holiday pay, or vacation time?  I sure hadn’t!  On top of that, they offer substantial employee discounts on all purchases.  I now bounce within a large, lovely bubble of happiness!

There’s way too much to say, and if I start saying one thing, it’ll inevitably carry me to a dozen others.  For now, I’ll leave it there.  Just wanted to share a yay!


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Really happy for you Ryan. I am engulfed in your excitment. Keep us posted.


Thank you, I will!


Gratz! I hear they pay a “living wage” too. I’m really happy for you!


Thanks Lisa! They start you at $8/hour, but there’s ample room for increasing and taking on more responsibility. I think it’ll go very well!

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