Sim Barrow Leads Audubon Christmas Bird Count at Johnson Farm

The 118th Audubon Christmas Bird Count was my first.

Birders at Johnson Farm. Photo Credit: NWA Land Trust

It was warmer than expected December 17, 2017, with a bit of drizzle and lots of fog in some places. About 10 volunteer birders came out to the Historic Johnson Farm as part of a count led for the first time by the NWA Land Trust at five of their protected properties in Fayetteville.  Sim Barrow enthusiastically navigated the birding angle and Alan Edmondson drove the second car and guided us around the properties.

All the usual characters and some surprises popped up at the farm, including some of my favorites: mourning doves, northern flickers, chickadees, tufted titmice, eastern bluebirds, dark-eyed juncos and crows. The counters spotted 5 bird species that had previously not been recorded on our Ripples bioinventory of the farm property: sharp-shinned hawk, eastern meadowlark, red-headed woodpecker, golden-crowned kinglets and song sparrows. Sadly, the pond’s wood ducks didn’t make another appearance for the pleasure of our group. Check out the recent “Making Ripples” column in the Free Weekly for this year’s count details from Joe Neal.


Interview with Sim Barrow, NWA Land Trust

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Tim Snell

great job Sim! NWA is lucky to have you working on conservation and education issues for us.

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