Clueless in the Kitchen
“Cooking Camp” continues with this week’s Free Weekly column!
Check out this week’s Making Ripples column in the Free Weekly to learn just how ancient curry spices like turmeric really are. Also included is People Making Ripples featuring Brad Volz of Writing to Freedom, a blog of immense inspiration and coolness. You can see a photo of his garden in the print edition, or online at The Free Weekly’s home page. Clueless in the Kitchen is part of the Cooking Camp series of posts on Ripples, detailing my journey to teach myself how to cook with real food and not just eat sustainable or organic food from packages.
If you missed past posts about Cooking Camp, check them out by clicking the links below:
Cooking Camp Part I: Introduction
Cooking Camp Part II: Kabocha Squash Soup and Cooking Camp To-Do List