Spring Photojourney

Spring on the Mountain.

Favorite Daffodils 2016

Favorite Daffodils

Blue Jay 3

Blue Jay

Blooming buds are everywhere.  Spring seems to have arrived early and lingered this year, taking its time rather than bursting forth overnight and flashing past me quicker than a cheetah.  But that’s just from my memories of past city springs; here on the farm, spring and I are both fully present, so maybe that makes a difference.  Here are some photos I took of spring at Kessler Mountain on the pear farm.  My favorite moments from spring have been the morning mist floating across the pond, and this past weekend when velvety cattle visited us and stampeded around the house for a few days!

This summer, I hope to get pictures of more native species, since so much around here is not native and my botany skills are weaker than tea from an old tea bag.  We’re learning a lot, and hope to update everyone soon on the cottage plan progress and our experience of satellite internet outside city limits.  And in case you were wondering, this spring we have five incubating tree swallows in their nest, two nests of four and five recently hatched chickadees, and four bluebird nestlings who just fledged this week! -Amanda

Neighbor's cows got loose

Neighbor’s cows got loose

Rosebreasted Grosbeak

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

American Goldfinch at farm spring 2016 (2)

American Goldfinch and chickadee

Indigo Buntings near feeder (2)

Indigo Bunting

tiny violets in grass morning dew in fields (1) Morning Mist in March (15) orchard blossoms Pergola house at sunset Raccoon at farm spring 2016 (9)

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Gladys Tiffany

That’s pretty gorgeous!

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