Pea Sprouts!

Little green seedlings are emerging from the dirt already!

As they get bigger, I want to keep a photo record of them here to track their growth and admire them 🙂 They’re really cute and I’m happy that we may have peas this year!

Our Pot o’ Peas!

Tiny seedlings!

March 25 2012

March 28

March 28

March 30 all but one eaten by nocturnal animals! Solo also devoured one.

April 4: the peas come back beautifully!

April 4: largest pea plant clings to branch

April 9

April 9

April 12: Emergence of Aphids

April 23

April 27: Big Pea Plants!

Peas’ first flowers!

Pretty Pea Flower

Young pods, early May

Plump Pea Pods May 9

Juicy Peas to Harvest! May 13

Update May 14, 2012:

It’s happened! I have finally grown my first crop of peas, after making attempts to do so since 2006. This year is the year it happened, that the weather was right, the soil and pot size perfect, and I knew enough to remove aphids and protect the plant.  I ate the first peas I ever grew myself this past weekend!!! Thank you for following along this photo journal to witness the peas’ growth with me.

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Debbie Hackney

Fantastic! Just look at those lovelies!


Hey Teresa, YOU WERE RIGHT! They’re coming back just in time for Easter 🙂

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